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PIC Activities

Our services

We offer you the notification of your exports and ongoing support around PIC as a complete package. Alternatively, you have the option to request individual services.

This means that we enable you to meet the obligations of the PIC regulation by taking over the export notification for your exports and, among other things, the digital processing via ePIC.

You assure that the requirements of the regulation are met.

We have already been able to help other customers avoid customs problems and additional costs. Another advantage is the contact and target-oriented correspondence with national and international authorities.

How can we support you?

The relevance of PIC

Regulation (EU) No. 649/2012 defines Prior Informed Consent (PIC). This regulation regulates the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and imposes obligations on companies wishing to export these chemicals to countries outside the EU. Its objectives are to promote shared responsibility, cooperation in the international trade of hazardous chemicals, and to protect human health and the environment by providing developing countries with information on how to safely store, transport, use, and dispose of hazardous chemicals.

Exporters established in an EU member state must notify their intentions to export certain chemicals to a country outside the EU. This is done using ePIC, an IT tool provided by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

Each export notification is assigned an individual identifier, called an ID number. It is used, for example, to facilitate customs controls of Annex I chemicals.

Your benefit from our PIC activities

Thanks to CURRENTA PIC activities, you comply with the official regulations for the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals.

Application examples

Other customers already benefit from support around PIC including export notification by meeting the requirements of the regulations.


Lucienne Schlinkert
Lucienne Schlinkert




Vorname Name





Education & Training

Education & Training

Consulting & expertise

Consulting & expertise



Waste Disposal

Waste Disposal



Logistics (Chemion)

Logistics (Chemion)

Projects & events

Projects & events

Safety, security, health

Safety, security, health

Engineering (Tectrion)

Engineering (Tectrion)

